[grid_cgi] ; Dalay in sec before the cgi refreshes itself ; Defalut value is 5 seconds refresh_delay = 5 ; Specifies hom long wait for a job completion before entering a ; self refeshe cycle. If the job is done during this time its result will ; be sent immediatle to the client. ; Default value is 5 seconds. This value can not exceed 20 seconds. ;expect_complete = 5 ; if a job has succeeded its input data will be removed automatically ; (only it this data is stored in NetCache) ; Default value is true ;automatic_cleanup = true ; Specifies if a progress message will be used. ; Defalut values is true ;use_progress = true ; NetSchedule client configuration ; [netschedule_api] client_name=node_sample service=NS_test ; Name of the queue (DO NOT use default queue for your application) queue_name=sample ; Time interval in seconds when client is automatically rebalanced rebalance_time=10 ; Number of requests before rebalancing rebalance_requests=100 ; Instructs the worker noded to try to fit its output onto the netschedule's ; internal storage (its size is about 256Kb). If the data does not fit there ; it will be saved into an external blob storage (netcahe). ; Default value is false use_embedded_storage = true ; Network storage (NetCache) configuration ; [netcache_client] client_name=node_sample ; LB service name service=NC_test ; Time interval in seconds when client is automatically rebalanced rebalance_time=10 ; Number of requests before rebalancing rebalance_requests=100 ; I/O volume based rebalancing rebalance_bytes=5000000