FastCGI sample application readme. ---------------------------------- In order to run a fast CGI sample in the development (debugging) mode you need to: 1. Compile the example. 2. The CGI-FCGI redirector script "fcgi_sample.cgi" and the "fcgi_sample.ini" configuration file (section [FastCGI], entry StandaloneServer) have a TCP/IP port number (currently 5000; note the prepending colon!) which "fcgi_sample.cgi" and "fcgi_sample.fcgi" use to communicate. 3. For a WEB server, the "fcgi_sample.cgi" redirector looks just like a regular CGI script, and it 'll tunnel the HTTP request and response to and from your "real", FastCGI application, "fcgi_sample.fcgi". 4. Run "fcgi_sample.fcgi" as a standalone application. *) Sure, you can run this sample under debugger and set a breakpoint in CSampleCgiApplication::ProcessRequest(). 5. Use WEB browser to run "fcgi_sample.cgi". Request will be redirected to the "fcgi_sample.fcgi". *) Debugger will stop in ProcessRequest() if you did the [4.*] step above. For more information on FastCGI please see