# Note: # Blank lines and lines starting with '#' are ignored. # All other lines are interpreted as test entries. # Test entries consist of the following: # a (more or less) descriptive test label, # a ':', # the name of the input file (located in the input directory), # a white space separated list of additional reader parameters, expressed # using feat_import conventions. # GTF: rw-100: rw-100.gtf rw-153: rw-153.gtf rw-451: rw-451.gtf gene-mrna-exon-cds: gene-mrna-exon-cds.gtf exon-cds: exon-cds.gtf uud-3s: uud-3s.gtf test-only-cds: test-only-cds.gtf test-classified-exons: test-classified-exons.gtf test-unclassified-exons: test-unclassified-exons.gtf # GFF3 test-basic: test-basic.gff3 test-gene-cds: test-gene-cds.gff3 test-multi-rna: test-multi-rna.gff3 test-so-types: test-so-types.gff3 test-pseudo-features: test-pseudo-features.gff3 test-inference: test-inference.gff3 test-transcript: test-transcript.gff3 test-split-cds: test-split-cds.gff3 rw-234: rw-234.gff3 rw-288: rw-288.gff3 # BED: test-12-col: test-12-col.bed test-9-col: test-9-col.bed test-3-col: test-3-col.bed test-error-column-count: test-error-column-count.bed test-error-trackline: test-error-trackline.bed test-color-itemrgb: test-color-itemrgb.bed test-color-usescore: test-color-usescore.bed test-color-bystrand: test-color-bystrand.bed test-color-none: test-color-none.bed # TBL: gb-7002: gb-7002.5col