// --- Constants # set app=test_ncbi_clog_templates // --- Useful regexp's for inline variables # set d3=\d{3,} # set d5=\d{5,} // --- Regexp's for parts of logging string # set guid_re=[0-9A-Z]{16} # set time_re=\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3} // automatically generated PHID # set phid_re=[0-9A-Z]{32} // execution time for request/app (1.234) # set timespan_re=\d{1,}\.\d{3} // standard prefix for most records # set std=${guid_re} \d{4,}/\d{4,} ${time_re} TESTHOST {7} UNK_CLIENT {5} // prefix for app-level records with unknown session # set std_unk=${std} UNK_SESSION {13} ${app} // prefix for request records with known session # set std_sid=${std} ${guid_re}_\d{4}SID ${app} // Match 'start' line and get next variables from it: // ${pid}, ${tid}, ${guid} // # set GetStartVars=${pid=${d5}}/${tid=${d3}}/0000/PB ${guid=${guid_re}} \d{4,}/\d{4,} ${time_re} TESTHOST {7} UNK_CLIENT {5} UNK_SESSION {13} ${app} start