# - find Sqlite 3 # SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find Sqlite 3 header files (directory) # SQLITE3_LIBRARIES - Sqlite 3 libraries # SQLITE3_LIBRARY_RELEASE - Where the release library is # SQLITE3_LIBRARY_DEBUG - Where the debug library is # SQLITE3_FOUND - Set to TRUE if we found everything (library, includes and executable) IF( SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR AND SQLITE3_LIBRARY_RELEASE AND SQLITE3_LIBRARY_DEBUG ) SET(SQLITE3_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) ENDIF( SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR AND SQLITE3_LIBRARY_RELEASE AND SQLITE3_LIBRARY_DEBUG ) FIND_PATH( SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR sqlite3.h PATHS /netopt/ncbi_tools/sqlite- NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) IF (SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR) FIND_LIBRARY( SQLITE3_LIBRARY NAMES sqlite3 PATHS /netopt/ncbi_tools/sqlite- NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) IF (NOT SQLITE3_LIBRARY) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Include ${SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR}/sqlite3.h found, but no library in /netopt/ncbi_tools/sqlite- ") #XXX choose build type ENDIF (NOT SQLITE3_LIBRARY) ENDIF (SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR)