INSTRUCTIONS FOR BUILDING WINDOWMASKER APPLICATION IN UNIX/LINUX ENVIRONMENT 1. Getting the NCBI C++ Toolkit distribution. The distribution is available from The file name is ncbi_cxx--.tar.gz. 2. Unpacking. Enter the directory containing NCBI C++ Toolkit archive downloaded in the previous step. Unpack the distribution using the following command: gunzip -c ncbi_cxx--.tar.gz | tar xvf - This will create a directory named ncbi_cxx--/ and the Toolkit distribution will be unpacked into that directory. 3. Configuration to build the complete toolkit. Enter the toolkit distribution directory: cd ncbi_cxx-- Configure the toolkit with the following command: ./configure --without-debug --with-optimization The configure script will create the build tree under -Release/. 4. Build of the complete toolkit. Enter the build directory: cd -Release/build Build the NCBI C++ Toolkit: make all_r 5. The windowmasker executable can be found in directory: -Release/bin/