[LMDB_CACHE] ; Path to the file where an LMDB si2csi cache file is located ; If not provided then no cache will be used. dbfile_si2csi={si2csi.db} ; Path to the file where an LMDB bioseq_info cache file is located ; If not provided then no cache will be used. dbfile_bioseq_info={bioseq_info.db} ; Path to the file where an LMDB blob_prop cache file is located ; If not provided then no cache will be used. dbfile_blob_prop={blob_prop.db} [SERVER] ; HTTP port (1...65534) ; No default. If port is not specified or is out of range the server ; will not start port={port} ; Number of HTTP workers (1...100) ; Default: 32 workers=32 ; Listener backlog (5...2048) ; Default: 256 backlog=256 ; Max number of connections (5...65000) ; Default: 4096 maxconn=4096 ; Operation timeout in milliseconds ; Default: 30000 optimeout=30000 ; Max Cassandra operation retries ; Default: 1 maxretries=1 log=false ; Cassandra keyspace where BIOSEQ_INFO and SI2CSI tables are ; There is no default value. If not provided then the server does not start root_keyspace=sat_info3 configuration_domain=PSG_TEST slim_max_blob_size=10KB ProcessorMaxConcurrency=20000 [DEBUG] DIAG_POST_LEVEL=Warning psg_allow_io_test=false [STATISTICS] small_blob_size = 255 min=0 ; 16 * 1024 * 1024 max=16777216 ; can be "log" or "linear" type=log [CASSANDRA_DB] ; Connection timeout in ms ; Default: 30000 ctimeout=15000 ; Query timeout in ms ; Default: 5000 qtimeout=2500 ; Data namespace ; Default: empty string namespace= ; Load balancing policy. Accepted values are: DCAware, RoundRobin ; Default: DCAware loadbalancing=DCAware ; Enables TokenAware routing ; Default: true tokenaware=true ; Enables LatencyAware routing ; Default: true latencyaware=true ; Number of io threads to async processing (1...32) ; Default: 4 numthreadsio=4 ; Number of connections per node (1...8) ; Default: 2 numconnperhost=2 ; TCP keep-alive the initial delay in seconds ; Default: 0 keepalive=0 ; Cassandra password file and a section where credentials are stored ; Default: empty, i.e. no user/password combination is used. password_file="" password_section="" ; LBSM name or a list of host[:port] items (',' or ' ' separated). ; If the value has neither ' ', nor ',' nor ':' then it is treated as a ; load balancer name. The load balancer resolved host ports are are sorted ; in accordance with their rates. ; The list of host[:port] items, regardless where it came from - directly from ; a parameter value or from a load balancer - is analyzed further. The ; analizis checks that if ports are provided then they are the same. If the ; port is provided then it is used for the Cassandra cluster. If no ports are ; provided then the Cassandra driver uses its default one. service=ID_CASS_TEST [CASSANDRA_SECURE_DB] ; default: false cassandralog=false ; Connection timeout in ms ; Default: 30000 ctimeout=15000 ; Query timeout in ms ; Default: 5000 qtimeout=5000 ; Data namespace ; Default: empty string namespace=sat_info_secure ; Fallback read consistency ; Default: false fallbackrdconsistency=false ; Lower down consistency of BD write operations if local quorum can't be achieved ; 0 - default cassandra driver behavior ; Default: 0 fallbackwriteconsistency=0 ; Load balancing policy. Accepted values are: DCAware, RoundRobin ; Default: DCAware loadbalancing=DCAware ; Enables TokenAware routing ; Default: true tokenaware=true ; Enables LatencyAware routing ; Default: true latencyaware=true ; Number of io threads to async processing (1...32) ; Default: 4 numthreadsio=4 ; Number of connections per node (1...8) ; Default: 2 numconnperhost=2 ; TCP keep-alive the initial delay in seconds ; Default: 0 keepalive=0 ; Cassandra password file and a section where credentials are stored ; Default: empty, i.e. no user/password combination is used. password_file=/home/satskyse/.ssh/cass.ini password_section=BIGDATAPROD_RO ; LBSM name or a list of host[:port] items (',' or ' ' separated). ; If the value has neither ' ', nor ',' nor ':' then it is treated as a ; load balancer name. The load balancer resolved host ports are are sorted ; in accordance with their rates. ; The list of host[:port] items, regardless where it came from - directly from ; a parameter value or from a load balancer - is analyzed further. The ; analizis checks that if ports are provided then they are the same. If the ; port is provided then it is used for the Cassandra cluster. If no ports are ; provided then the Cassandra driver uses its default one. service=ID_CASS_TEST ;service=ID_CASS ;service=idtest111,idtest112 [CASSANDRA_PROCESSOR] enabled=true [OSG_PROCESSOR] enabled=true enabled_snp=false enabled_wgs=false [snp_processor] enabled=true [wgs_processor] enabled=true [HEALTH] test_seq_id=RuBBiSH test_seq_id_ignore_error=true [SSL] ssl_enable={ssl_enable} ssl_cert_file={ssl_cert} ssl_key_file={ssl_key} ssl_ciphers="" [IPG] page_size=2 enable_huge_ipg=true [MY_NCBI] url="http://txproxy.linkerd.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/v1/service/MyNCBIAccount?txsvc=MyNCBIAccount" http_proxy="linkerd:4140" timeout_ms=100