Test Case Name | Application Arguments | Documentation | Tags seq_id_negative | resolve -type -9 A50 | seq_id negative | resolve resolve_param non_existing_seq_id | resolve nonexisting | Non existing seq_id | resolve invalid_seq_id_type | resolve -type 12 RCU83448 | invalid seq_id_type | resolve canon_id_exc | resolve -all-info-except -canonical-id -type 12 1778878 | Exclude canon_id | resolve seq_ids_exc | resolve -all-info-except -other-ids -type 12 1778878 | Exclude seq_ids | resolve mol_type_exc | resolve -all-info-except -molecule-type -type 12 1778878 | Exclude mol_type | resolve length_exc | resolve -all-info-except -length -type 12 1778878 | Exclude length | resolve state_exc | resolve -all-info-except -state -type 12 1778878 | Exclude state | resolve blob_id_exc | resolve -all-info-except -blob-id -type 12 1778878 | Exclude blob_id | resolve tax_id_exc | resolve -all-info-except -tax-id -type 12 1778878 | Exclude tax_id | resolve hash_exc | resolve -all-info-except -hash -type 12 1778878 | Exclude hash | resolve date_changed_exc | resolve -all-info-except -date-changed -type 12 1778878 | Exclude date_changed | resolve canon_id_inc | resolve -canonical-id -type 12 1778878 | Include canon_id | resolve seq_ids_inc | resolve -other-ids -type 12 1778878 | Include seq_ids | resolve mol_type_inc | resolve -molecule-type -type 12 1778878 | Include mol_type | resolve length_inc | resolve -length -type 12 1778878 | Include length | resolve state_inc | resolve -state -type 12 1778878 | Include state | resolve blob_id_inc | resolve -blob-id -type 12 1778878 | Include blob_id | resolve tax_id_inc | resolve -tax-id -type 12 1778878 | Include tax_id | resolve hash_inc | resolve -hash -type 12 1778878 | Include hash | resolve date_changed_inc | resolve -date-changed -type 12 1778878 | Include date_changed | resolve 817747779 | resolve -type 12 817747779 | 817747779 | resolve 123791 | resolve -type 2 123791 | 123791 | resolve 106779053 | resolve 106779053 | 106779053 | resolve 164040 | resolve -type 3 164040 | 164040 | resolve WUGSC_G44L02__11 | resolve -type 11 WUGSC%7CG44L02 | WUGSC%7CG44L02 | resolve WUGSC_G44L02 | resolve WUGSC%7CG44L02 | WUGSC%7CG44L02 | resolve 115952497__12 | resolve -type 12 115952497 | 115952497 | resolve 115952497 | resolve 115952497 | 115952497 | resolve 544844__12 | resolve -type 12 544844 | 544844 | resolve 1093112768__12 | resolve -type 12 1093112768 | 1093112768 | resolve 1093112768 | resolve 1093112768 | 1093112768 | resolve AC052670 | resolve AC052670 | AC052670 | resolve AC052670__5 | resolve -type 5 AC052670 | AC052670 | resolve XP_015453951 | resolve XP_015453951 | XP_015453951 | resolve XP_015453951__10 | resolve -type 10 XP_015453951 | XP_015453951 | resolve bbs_123791__2 | resolve -type 2 bbs%7C123791 | bbs_123791 | resolve bbs_123791 | resolve bbs%7C123791 | bbs_123791 | resolve bbm_164040__3 | resolve -type 3 bbm%7C164040 | bbm_164040 | resolve bbm_164040 | resolve bbm%7C164040 | bbm_164040 | resolve gi_1093112768__12 | resolve -type 12 gi%7C1093112768 | gi_1093112768 | resolve gi_1093112768 | resolve gi%7C1093112768 | gi_1093112768 | resolve invalid_sat | blob invalid.44755149 | invalid sat value | getblob getblob_param invalid_sat_key | blob 4.invalid | invalid sat_key value | getblob getblob_param non_exsting_sat | blob 999.44755149 | non existing sat | getblob non_existing_blob | blob 4.1 | non existing blob | getblob one_chunk_blob | blob 33.44755149 | One chunk blob | getblob many_chunk_blob | blob 33.32435367 | Many chunk blob | getblob last_modified_blob | blob -last-modified 1146697225363 4.9994804 | Blob with the correct last modified | getblob early_last_modified | blob -last-modified 1146697225362 4.9994804 | Blob last modified -1 | getblob late_last_modified | blob -last-modified 1146697225364 4.9994804 | Blob last modified +1 | getblob get_negative_seq_id_type | biodata -type -42 A50 | Negative seq_id_type | get get_param get_invalid_exclude_blob | biodata -exclude-blob in.valid -type 3 164040 | Invalid exclude blob list | get get_param get_non_existing_seq_id | biodata nonexisting | Non existing seq_id | get get_incorrect_sec_seq_id_type | biodata -type 12 RCU83448 | Incorrect secondary seq_id_type | get get_incorrect_prim_seq_id_type | biodata -type 12 AFP68755 | Incorrect primary seq_id_type | get get_123791__2 | biodata -type 2 123791 | Get secondary 123791 (2) | get get_106779053 | biodata 106779053 | Get secondary 106779053 | get get_164040__3 | biodata -type 3 164040 | Get secondary 164040 (3) | get get_WUGSC_G44L02__11 | biodata -type 11 WUGSC%7CG44L02 | Get secondary WUGSC_G44L02 (11) | get get_WUGSC_G44L02 | biodata WUGSC%7CG44L02 | Get secondary WUGSC_G44L02 | get get_115952497__12 | biodata -type 12 115952497 | Get secondary 115952497 (12) | get get_115952497 | biodata 115952497 | Get secondary 115952497 | get get_544844__12 | biodata -type 12 544844 | Get secondary 544844 (12) | get get_1093112768__12 | biodata -type 12 1093112768 | Get secondary 1093112768 (12) | get get_1093112768 | biodata 1093112768 | Get secondary 1093112768 | get get_GPS_000535975__19 | biodata -type 19 GPS_000535975.1 | Get secondary GPS_000535975.1 (19) | get get_GPS_000535975 | biodata GPS_000535975.1 | Get secondary GPS_000535975.1 | get get_AC052670__5 | biodata -type 5 AC052670 | Get primary AC052670 (5) | get get_AC052670 | biodata AC052670 | Get primary AC052670 | get get_XP_015453951__10 | biodata -type 10 XP_015453951 | Get primary XP_015453951 (10) | get get_XP_015453951 | biodata XP_015453951 | Get primary XP_015453951 | get get_fasta_bbs_123791__2 | biodata -type 2 bbs%7C123791 | Get secondary fasta bbs_123791 (2) | get get_fasta_bbs_123791 | biodata bbs%7C123791 | Get secondary fasta bbs_123791 | get get_fasta_bbm_164040__3 | biodata -type 3 bbm%7C164040 | Get secondary fasta bbm_164040 (3) | get get_fasta_bbm_164040 | biodata bbm%7C164040 | Get secondary fasta bbm_164040 | get get_fasta_gi_1093112768__12 | biodata -type 12 gi%7C1093112768 | Get secondary fasta gi_1093112768 (12) | get get_fasta_gi_1093112768 | biodata gi%7C1093112768 | Get secondary fasta gi_1093112768 | get get_fasta_gpp_GPS_000535975__19 | biodata -type 19 gpp%7CGPS_000535975.1%7C | Get secondary fasta gpp_GPS_000535975.1 (19) | get get_fasta_gpp_GPS_000535975 | biodata gpp%7CGPS_000535975.1%7C | Get secondary fasta gpp_GPS_000535975.1 | get get_fasta_content_GPS_000535975__19 | biodata -type 19 GPS_000535975.1%7C | Get secondary fasta content GPS_000535975.1 (19) | get get_fasta_content_GPS_000535975 | biodata GPS_000535975.1%7C | Get secondary fasta content GPS_000535975.1 | get get_split_tse_none | biodata -type 12 -no-tse 3150015 | Get split blob with tse=none | get get_split_tse_slim | biodata -type 12 -slim-tse 3150015 | Get split blob with tse=slim | get get_split_tse_smart | biodata -type 12 -smart-tse 3150015 | Get split blob with tse=smart | get get_split_tse_orig | biodata -type 12 -orig-tse 3150015 | Get split blob with tse=orig | get get_non_split_tse_none | biodata -type 2 -no-tse 123791 | Get non split blob with tse=none | get get_non_split_tse_slim | biodata -type 2 -slim-tse 123791 | Get non split blob with tse=slim | get get_non_split_tse_smart | biodata -type 2 -smart-tse 123791 | Get non split blob with tse=smart | get get_non_split_tse_whole | biodata -type 2 -whole-tse 123791 | Get non split blob with tse=whole | get get_non_split_tse_orig | biodata -type 2 -orig-tse 123791 | Get non split blob with tse=orig | get get_with_exclude_not_excluded | biodata -exclude-blob 1.1,2.2,3.3 -type 3 164040 | Get with exclude blob list, blob not in the list | get get_with_exclude | biodata -exclude-blob 1.1,4.8091,3.3 -type 3 164040 | Get with exclude blob list, blob is in the list | get get_blob_split_tse_none | blob -no-tse 4.509567 | Get split blob with tse=none | getblob get_blob_split_tse_slim | blob -slim-tse 4.509567 | Get split blob with tse=slim | getblob get_blob_split_tse_smart | blob -smart-tse 4.509567 | Get split blob with tse=smart | getblob get_blob_split_tse_orig | blob -orig-tse 4.509567 | Get split blob with tse=orig | getblob get_blob_non_split_tse_none | blob -no-tse 4.15971 | Get non split blob with tse=none | getblob get_blob_non_split_tse_slim | blob -slim-tse 4.15971 | Get non split blob with tse=slim | getblob get_blob_non_split_tse_smart | blob -smart-tse 4.15971 | Get non split blob with tse=smart | getblob get_blob_non_split_tse_whole | blob -whole-tse 4.15971 | Get non split blob with tse=whole | getblob get_blob_non_split_tse_orig | blob -orig-tse 4.15971 | Get non split blob with tse=orig | getblob d_request_001 | resolve gnl%7CdbSTS%7C843431 | Resolve gnl_dbSTS | resolve get_na_seq_id_negative | named_annot -na SOME -type -42 A50 | seq_id negative | get_na get_na_param get_na_one_valid_annot | named_annot -na NA000122202.1 NW_017890465 | One valid annotation | get_na get_na_two_valid_annot | named_annot -na NA000122202.1,NA000122203.1 NW_017890465 | Two valid annotations | get_na get_na_one_of_two_valid_annot | named_annot -na NA000122202.1,invalid NW_017890465 | One of two valid annotations | get_na get_na_no_valid_annot | named_annot -na invalid1,invalid2 NW_017890465 | No valid annotations | get_na tse_chunk_invalid_tse_id | chunk 1 psg~~tse_id-4.invalid~~tse_split_version-1565299085 | tse_id parameter is invalid | get_tse_chunk get_tse_chunk_param tse_chunk_chunk_too_big | chunk 96 25.116773935.5 | requested chunk is too big | get_tse_chunk tse_chunk_version_not_found | chunk 1 psg~~tse_id-4.340865818~~tse_split_version-156529908 | split version not found | get_tse_chunk tse_chunk_found | chunk 96 psg~~tse_id-4.340865818~~tse_split_version-1565299085 | tse chunk | get_tse_chunk resolve_gi_156232 | resolve gi%7C156232 | resolve special case gi | resolve resolve_3643631_subst_default | resolve -acc-substitution default 3643631 | resolve with accession substitution default | resolve resolve_3643631_subst_limited | resolve -acc-substitution limited 3643631 | resolve with accession substitution limited | resolve resolve_3643631_subst_never | resolve -acc-substitution never 3643631 | resolve with accession substitution never | resolve resolve_580284_subst_default | resolve -acc-substitution default 580284 | resolve with accession substitution default | resolve resolve_580284_subst_limited | resolve -acc-substitution limited 580284 | resolve with accession substitution limited | resolve resolve_580284_subst_never | resolve -acc-substitution never 580284 | resolve with accession substitution never | resolve resolve_S44068 | resolve -type 6 S44068 | INSDC S44068 resolution | resolve resolve_BL000002 | resolve -type 5 BL000002.1 | INSDC BL000002.1 resolution | resolve d_request_100 | resolve GPS_000535975 | GPS_000535975 | resolve d_request_101 | resolve GPS_000535975.1 | GPS_000535975.1 | resolve d_request_102 | resolve gpp%7CGPS_000535975 | gpp_GPS_000535975 | resolve d_request_103 | resolve gpp%7CGPS_000535975.1 | gpp_GPS_000535975.1 | resolve d_request_104 | resolve -type 19 GPS_000535975 | GPS_000535975 (19) | resolve d_request_105 | resolve -type 19 GPS_000535975.1 | GPS_000535975.1 (19) | resolve d_request_106 | resolve -type 19 gpp%7CGPS_000535975 | gpp_GPS_000535975 (19) | resolve d_request_107 | resolve -type 19 gpp%7CGPS_000535975.1 | gpp_GPS_000535975.1 (19) | resolve d_request_108 | resolve GPS_000535975.1%7C | GPS_000535975.1_ | resolve d_request_109 | resolve gpp%7CGPS_000535975%7C | gpp_GPS_000535975_ | resolve d_request_110 | resolve gpp%7CGPS_000535975.1%7C | gpp_GPS_000535975.1_ | resolve d_request_111 | resolve -type 19 GPS_000535975%7C | GPS_000535975_ (19) | resolve d_request_112 | resolve -type 19 GPS_000535975.1%7C | GPS_000535975.1_ (19) | resolve d_request_113 | resolve -type 19 gpp%7CGPS_000535975%7C | gpp_GPS_000535975_ (19) | resolve d_request_114 | resolve -type 19 gpp%7CGPS_000535975.1%7C | gpp_GPS_000535975.1_ (19) | resolve pdb_1_1 | resolve -acc-substitution never pdb%7C1VU9%7Ca | CXX-11133 1+1 | resolve pdb_1_2 | resolve -acc-substitution never pdb%7C1vu9%7Ca | CXX-11133 1+2 | resolve pdb_1_3 | resolve -acc-substitution never pdb%7C1VU9%7CA | CXX-11133 1+3 | resolve pdb_1_4 | resolve -acc-substitution never pdb%7C1vu9%7CA | CXX-11133 1+4 | resolve pdb_1_5 | resolve -acc-substitution never pdb%7C1VU9%7CAA | CXX-11133 1+5 | resolve pdb_1_6 | resolve -acc-substitution never pdb%7C1vu9%7Caa | CXX-11133 1+6 | resolve pdb_2_1 | resolve -acc-substitution never 1VU9%7Ca | CXX-11133 2+1 | resolve pdb_2_2 | resolve -acc-substitution never 1vu9%7Ca | CXX-11133 2+2 | resolve pdb_2_3 | resolve -acc-substitution never 1VU9%7CA | CXX-11133 2+3 | resolve pdb_2_4 | resolve -acc-substitution never 1vu9%7CA | CXX-11133 2+4 | resolve pdb_2_5 | resolve -acc-substitution never 1VU9%7CAA | CXX-11133 2+5 | resolve pdb_2_6 | resolve -acc-substitution never 1vu9%7Caa | CXX-11133 2+6 | resolve pdb_3_1 | resolve -acc-substitution never pdb%7C1VU9_a | CXX-11133 3+1 | resolve pdb_3_2 | resolve -acc-substitution never pdb%7C1vu9_a | CXX-11133 3+2 | resolve pdb_3_3 | resolve -acc-substitution never pdb%7C1VU9_A | CXX-11133 3+3 | resolve pdb_3_4 | resolve -acc-substitution never pdb%7C1vu9_A | CXX-11133 3+4 | resolve pdb_3_5 | resolve -acc-substitution never pdb%7C1VU9_AA | CXX-11133 3+5 | resolve pdb_3_6 | resolve -acc-substitution never pdb%7C1vu9_aa | CXX-11133 3+6 | resolve pdb_4_1 | resolve -acc-substitution never 1VU9_a | CXX-11133 4+1 | resolve pdb_4_2 | resolve -acc-substitution never 1vu9_a | CXX-11133 4+2 | resolve pdb_4_3 | resolve -acc-substitution never 1VU9_A | CXX-11133 4+3 | resolve pdb_4_4 | resolve -acc-substitution never 1vu9_A | CXX-11133 4+4 | resolve pdb_4_5 | resolve -acc-substitution never 1VU9_AA | CXX-11133 4+5 | resolve pdb_4_6 | resolve -acc-substitution never 1vu9_aa | CXX-11133 4+6 | resolve