# $Id$ # Author: Paul Thiessen # Build application "cn3d" ################################# WATCHERS = lanczyck,dzhang REQUIRES = objects wxWidgets OpenGL PNG APP = cn3d SRC = aaa_dummy_pch \ alignment_manager \ alignment_set \ animation_controls \ annotate_dialog \ atom_set \ block_multiple_alignment \ bond \ cdd_annot_dialog \ cdd_book_ref_dialog \ cdd_ref_dialog \ cdd_splash_dialog \ chemical_graph \ cn3d_app \ cn3d_ba_interface \ cn3d_blast \ cn3d_cache \ cn3d_colors \ cn3d_glcanvas \ cn3d_png \ cn3d_pssm \ cn3d_threader \ cn3d_tools \ command_processor \ conservation_colorer \ coord_set \ data_manager \ dist_select_dialog \ file_messaging \ messenger \ molecule \ molecule_identifier \ multitext_dialog \ object_3d \ opengl_renderer \ pattern_dialog \ periodic_table \ preferences_dialog \ progress_meter \ residue \ sequence_display \ sequence_set \ sequence_viewer \ sequence_viewer_widget \ sequence_viewer_window \ show_hide_dialog \ show_hide_manager \ structure_base \ structure_set \ structure_window \ style_dialog \ style_manager \ taxonomy_tree \ update_viewer \ update_viewer_window \ vector_math \ viewer_base \ viewer_window_base CPPFLAGS = $(ORIG_CPPFLAGS) \ $(WXWIDGETS_INCLUDE) \ $(Z_INCLUDE) $(PNG_INCLUDE) $(PCRE_INCLUDE) CXXFLAGS = $(FAST_CXXFLAGS) LDFLAGS = $(FAST_LDFLAGS) LIB = wx_tools xcd_utils xstruct_util xstruct_dp xstruct_thread \ xblast xalgowinmask xalgodustmask xalgoblastdbindex composition_adjustment seqmasks_io seqdb $(OBJREAD_LIBS) \ xalnmgr tables xobjutil id1cli id1 ncbimime cdd cn3d mmdb blast_services xnetblastcli xnetblast scoremat \ utrtprof taxon1 blastdb xregexp entrez2cli entrez2 \ xconnect $(SOBJMGR_LIBS) $(Z_LIB) $(PCRE_LIB) $(LMDB_LIB) LIBS = $(BLAST_THIRD_PARTY_LIBS) \ $(WXWIDGETS_GL_LIBS) $(WXWIDGETS_LIBS) $(OPENGL_LIBS)\ $(Z_LIBS) $(PNG_LIBS) $(PCRE_LIBS) \ $(NETWORK_LIBS) \ $(ORIG_LIBS) #### # Linux build: add the following to use MESA #### # for REQUIRES: # MESA # # for LIB: # gui_glmesa-static gui_opengl gui_print gui_objutils-static gui_utils-static ximage \ # # for LIBS: # $(IMAGE_LIBS) $(OSMESA_STATIC_LIBS) $(BZ2_LIBS) $(DL_LIBS) \ #### # for distribution on linux/gcc, do: # gcc .... -lpthread -Wl,-Bstatic -lstdc++ -Wl,-Bdynamic