Sequence Window : Edit Commands

Enable editor

Turns on the editor, allowing you to change the alignment.


Undo the latest operation; Ctrl+Z has the same effect as this menu item. All operations (the items under this Edit menu) that change the alignment are undoable.


Redo the last operation undone (Shift+Ctrl+Z).

Split block

To split an aligned block, select this item then move the mouse over the block to be split and click once. The block under the mouse will be split such that the new (rightmost) block will start at the column under the mouse.

Merge block

To merge two or more adjacent aligned blocks, select this item then click and drag the mouse across the blocks to be merged. These blocks will then be joined into a single large block.

Create block

To create a new block, select this item then click and drag the mouse across columns of unaligned residues where you would like a new block to be created. Note that all columns of the alignment in the selected area must contain residues (no unaligned gaps).

Delete block

To delete a block, select this item and then click on any aligned block. That block will be removed and the residues marked unaligned.

Sync structure colors

Always sync structure colors

Because the alignments are color-coded, changes to the alignment can cause changes in color of structures in the alignment. By default, Always sync structure colors is on, which means this redrawing of structures will take place automatically. This can be turned off for slower computers where redraws take a long time; use Sync structure colors to manually redraw the structures with any new colors.

Sort rows

Use this item to sort all but the first row of the current alignment. The algorithms available for sorting are:

Delete row

Select this item and then click on any but the first sequence to remove that row from the alignment.

Alignment refiner

The refiner algorithm is documented in a separate page. See also Chakrabarti S. et. al., Nucleic Acids Res. 2006 May 17, 34(9):2598-606 (PMID 16707662).