2 component_ids and lengths loaded from FASTA. No runs of Ns longer than 10 bp found in FASTA sequences. 1:LACBIscaffold_1 1 1103 1 W LACBIscaffold_1_Cont1 1 1103 + ERROR: component_end greater than sequence length: 1103 > LACBIscaffold_1_Cont1 length = 630 bp 2:LACBIscaffold_1 1104 3435 2 N 2332 fragment yes NOTE: assuming AGP version 1.1 since linkage evidence (column 9) is empty 3:LACBIscaffold_1 3436 4636 3 W LACBIscaffold_1_Cont2 1 1201 + ERROR: invalid component_id: LACBIscaffold_1_Cont2 5:LACBIscaffold_1 5257 7700 5 W LACBIscaffold_1_Cont3 1 2444 + ERROR: invalid component_id: LACBIscaffold_1_Cont3 7:LACBIscaffold_1 7751 510427 7 W LACBIscaffold_1_Cont4 1 502677 + ERROR: invalid component_id: LACBIscaffold_1_Cont4 9:LACBIscaffold_1 510478 511862 9 W LACBIscaffold_1_Cont5 1 1385 + ERROR: invalid component_id: LACBIscaffold_1_Cont5 10:LACBIscaffold_1 511863 512826 10 N 964 fragment yes WARNING: gap at the end of object (OK if LACBIscaffold_1 is the circular chromosome/plasmid) 5 errors, 2 warnings, 1 note. Count Code Description 1 w31 gap at the end of object (OK if X is the circular chromosome/plasmid) 1 w58 assuming AGP version X 4 g71 invalid component_id 1 g74 component_end greater than sequence length - - component name(s) in FASTA not found in AGP Objects : 1 - with single component: 0 Scaffolds : 1 - with single component: 0 Components : 5 (W) orientation + : 5 orientation - : 0 orientation ? (formerly 0) : 0 orientation na : 0 Gaps : 5 (N) - do not break scaffold: 5 fragment, linkage yes: 5 - break it, linkage no : 0 Object names : 1 LACBIscaffold_1: 1 Component names : 5 != 2 in the FASTA LACBIscaffold_1_Cont[1..5]: 5 WARNING -- 1 component name in FASTA not found in AGP: LACBIscaffold_extra