Gumbel parameters for sequence alignment statistics The NCBI Gumbel parameters library computes Gumbel parameters for an arbitrary scoring matrix and gap penalties. It also includes P-values calculation using a new more accurate finite size correction method. The parameters can be used for Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST). Parameters for a gapless scoring scheme can be calculated as an option. References 1. Park, Y., Sheetlin, S. and Spouge, J.L. (2005) Accelerated convergence and robust asymptotic regression of the Gumbel scale parameter for gapped sequence alignment. Journal of Physics A: mathematical and general, 38, 97-108. 2. Sheetlin, S., Park, Y. and Spouge, J.L. (2005) The Gumbel pre-factor k for gapped local alignment can be estimated from simulations of global alignment. Nucleic Acids Research, 33, 4987-4994. 3. Park, Y., Sheetlin, S. and Spouge, J.L. (2009) Estimating the Gumbel Scale Parameter for Local Alignment of Random Sequences by Importance Sampling with Stopping Times. Annals of Statistics. 4. Park, Y., Sheetlin, S. and Spouge, J.L. (2009) On-line computation of statistical parameters for local alignment score distribution. In preparation. Additional information can be found here: