#!/usr/bin/env python3 import cgi import html import os import re import subprocess import sys import urllib import urllib.parse # ViewVC proper knows nothing of svn:externals; this wrapper resolves # them before handing the user off to it. real_vvc = 'https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/viewvc/v1/' repos = 'https://svn.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/repos/' viewable = repos base = repos + 'toolkit/trunk' public = True try: script_name = os.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] server_name = os.environ['SERVER_NAME'] if ('internal' in script_name or (server_name[0] == 'i' and not 'public' in script_name)): real_vvc = 'https://svn.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/viewvc/' base += '/internal' public = False except: pass if public: viewable += 'toolkit/' base += '/c++' # Use a hard-coded lookup table for public trees, both because # trunk/c++ is nominally self-contained rather than referring to the # gbench repository for the public gui trees and because www.ncbi has # no svn executable. Other servers will also fall back on this table # in the absence of /usr/bin/svn, but shouldn't need to in practice. path_map = ( ('include/gui', 'gbench/branches/c++toolkit-3.9.0/include/gui'), ('src/gui', 'gbench/branches/c++toolkit-3.9.0/src/gui') ) def resolve_via_map(base, path): for x in path_map: if path == x[0]: return repos + x[1] elif path.startswith(x[0] + '/'): return repos + x[1] + path[len(x[0]):] return base + '/' + path url_splitter = re.compile(r'(((https://)[^/]+/)repos/[^/]+)/(.+)') traditional_syntax = re.compile(r'^(\S+)(?:\s+-r\d+)?\s+(\S+://\S+)') new_syntax = re.compile(r'^(?:-r\d+\s+)?(\S+?)(?:\@\d+)?\s+(\S+)') def parse_externals(url): (root, server, scheme, rest) = url_splitter.match(url).groups() svn = subprocess.Popen(['svn', 'pg', 'svn:externals', url], stdout = subprocess.PIPE) for line in svn.communicate()[0].split('\n'): if len(line) == 0: continue mo = traditional_syntax.match(line) if mo is not None: # Traditional format, always absolute yield mo.groups() mo = new_syntax.match(line) if mo is None: # Ignore as unsupported. (XXX - warn?) yield ('', url) # New format (as of 1.5), possibly relative # XXX - support path quoting, introduced in 1.6? (dest, src) = mo.groups() if dest.find('://') < 0: # Relative in some fashion if dest.startswith('//'): dest = scheme + dest[2:] elif dest.startswith('/'): dest = server + dest[1:] else: # Relative to repository root or current stem d = dest if d.startswith('^/'): d = d[2:] dest = root else: dest = url while d.startswith('../'): d = d[3:] dest = dest[:dest.rfind('/')] dest = dest + '/' + d yield (src, dest) def resolve_via_svn(stem, rest): while True: # print >>sys.stderr, stem + ' / ' + rest matched = False for (src, dest) in parse_externals(stem): if rest == src: return dest elif rest.startswith(src + '/'): matched = True stem = dest rest = rest[len(src)+1:] break if not matched: try: next_slash = rest.index('/') stem += '/' + rest[:next_slash] rest = rest[next_slash+1:] except ValueError: break return stem + '/' + rest def resolve(base, path): if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/svn') and not public: return resolve_via_svn(base, path) else: return resolve_via_map(base, path) form = cgi.FieldStorage() path = form.getfirst('p') resolved = resolve(base, path) url = real_vvc + urllib.parse.quote(resolved[len(viewable):]) if not resolved.startswith(viewable): print >>sys.stderr, path, "resolved to unsupported URL", resolved if public: # Try redirecting to internal side url = ('https://intranet.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ieb/ToolBox/CPP_DOC/internal' + '/viewvc.cgi?p=' + urllib.parse.quote(path)) else: print("Status: 500 Internal error") sys.exit(1) qpath = html.escape(path, True) qurl = html.escape(url, True) print("Location:" + url) print("Content-type: text/html") print() # Cover all bases in case the Location header somehow didn't suffice. print( """ NCBI C++ Toolkit revision history: %s View %s's revision history """ % (qpath, qurl, qurl, qpath) )