CONTENTS Public Domain Notice Exceptions (for bundled 3rd-party code) Copyright F.A.Q. ============================================================== PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE National Center for Biotechnology Information With the exception of certain third-party files summarized below, this software is a "United States Government Work" under the terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of the authors' official duties as United States Government employees and thus cannot be copyrighted. This software is freely available to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction. Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Please cite the authors in any work or product based on this material. ============================================================== EXCEPTIONS (in all cases excluding NCBI-written makefiles): Location: src/algo/blast/core/ncbi_erf.c, src/util/ncbi_erf.c Authors: Sun Microsystems, Inc. License: Permissive [at top of file] Location: include/algo/gnomon/debruijn (excepting DBGraph.hpp) Authors: INRIA License: GNU Affero GPL [agpl.txt] Location: src/algo/phy_tree/*, src/db/bdb/, src/util/qparse/ Authors: Free Software Foundation, Inc. License: Unrestricted [at top of file] Location: much of src/build-system/cmake/unused/FindSqlite3.cmake Author: Martin Dobias License: BSD [as in HunterGate.cmake] Location: src/build-system/cmake/unused/HunterGate.cmake Author: Ruslan Baratov License: BSD [at top of file] Location: src/build-system/configure Authors: Free Software Foundation, Inc. License: Unrestricted [at top of file] Location: src/build-system/config.{guess,sub} Authors: FSF License: Unrestricted when distributed with the Toolkit; standalone, GNU General Public License [gpl.txt] Location: src/build-system/m4/ax_check_gnu_make.m4 Authors: John Darrington and Enrico M. Crisostomo License: Permissive [at top of file] Location: src/build-system/m4/ax_jni_include_dir.m4 Author: Don Anderson License: Permissive [at top of file] Location: src/build-system/m4/ax_prog_cc_for_build.m4 Author: Paolo Bonzini License: Permissive [at top of file] Location: src/connect/mbedtls Authors: ARM Ltd. License: Apache 2.0 or GNU GPL 2.0 [src/connect/mbedtls/*-2.0.txt] Location: src/connect/parson.{c,h} Author: Krzysztof Gabis License: MIT [at top of files] Location: include/corelib/hash_impl Authors: HP, SGI, Moscow Center for SPARC Technology, and Boris Fomitchev License: MITish [as in include/corelib/hash_impl/_hashtable.h] Location: part of src/corelib/ncbiexec.cpp Authors: Daniel Colascione, Microsoft Corporation License: Microsoft Limited Public License [ms-lpl.txt] Location: {include,src}/dbapi/driver/ftds*/freetds Authors: See src/dbapi/driver/ftds*/freetds/AUTHORS License: GNU Library/Lesser General Public License [src/dbapi/driver/ftds*/freetds/COPYING.LIB] Location: include/dbapi/driver/odbc/unix_odbc Authors: Peter Harvey and Nick Gorham License: GNU LGPL [src/dbapi/driver/ftds*/freetds/COPYING.LIB] Location: src/gui/opengl/MTL* Authors: Sam Hocevar, Henry Maddocks, and Sean Morrison License: MIT [at top of files] Location: src/gui/opengl/glutbitmap.h Author: Mark J. Kilgard License: Permissive [at top of file] Location: {include,src}/gui/utils/muparser Author: Ingo Berg License: BSDish [include/gui/utils/muparser/muParser.h] Location: {include,src}/gui/utils/splines Author: Enrico Bertolazzi License: BSD [at top of files] Location: include/html/ncbi_menu*.js Authors: Netscape Communications Corp. License: Permissive [at top of files] Location: include/misc/jsonwrapp/rapidjson11 Author: Milo Yip License: MIT [include/misc/jsonwrapp/rapidjson/license.txt] Location: include/misc/jsonwrapp/rapidjson11/msinttypes Author: Alexander Chemeris License: BSD [include/misc/jsonwrapp/rapidjson11/msinttypes/inttypes.h] Location: {include,src}/misc/xmlwrapp Author: Peter J Jones at al. [src/misc/xmlwrapp/AUTHORS] License: BSDish [src/misc/xmlwrapp/LICENSE] Location: {include,src}/util/bitset Author: Anatoliy Kuznetsov License: Apache License v2.0 [include/util/bitset/license.txt] Location: src/util/checksum/cityhash Author: Geoff Pike and Jyrki Alakuijala, Google Inc. License: BSDish [src/util/checksum/cityhash/COPYING] Location: src/util/checksum/farmhash Author: Geoff Pike, Google Inc. License: BSDish [src/util/checksum/farmhash/COPYING] Location: src/util/checksum/murmurhash Author: Austin Appleby License: Unrestricted; at top of file Location: src/util/compress/api/miniz Authors: RAD Game Tools and Valve Software, Rich Geldreich and Tenacious Software LLC License: MIT [src/util/compress/api/miniz/LICENSE] Location: {include,src}/util/compress/bzip2 Author: Julian R Seward License: BSDish [src/util/compress/bzip2/LICENSE] Location: {include,src}/util/compress/zlib Authors: Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler License: BSDish [include/util/compress/zlib/zlib.h] Location: {include,src}/util/compress/zlib_cloudflare Authors: Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler License: BSDish [src/util/compress/zlib_cloudflare/LICENSE] Location: src/util/diff/diff_match_patch Authors: Neil Fraser License: Apache License v2.0 [src/util/diff/diff_match_patch/COPYING] Location: src/util/diff/dtl Authors: Tatsuhiko Kubo at al. [src/util/diff/dtl/CONTRIBUTORS] License: BSDish [src/util/diff/dtl/COPYING] Location: {include,src}/util/lmdb Author: Howard Chu, Symas Corp. [src/util/lmdb/COPYRIGHT] License: BSDish (OpenLDAP Public License) [src/util/lmdb/LICENSE] Location: {include,src}/util/lmdbxx, include/objtools/blast/seqdb_reader/impl/lmdb++.h Author: Arto Bendiken [src/util/lmdbxx/AUTHORS] License: Unrestricted [src/util/lmdbxx/UNLICENSE] Location: {include,src}/util/regexp Author: Philip Hazel License: BSDish [src/util/regexp/LICENCE] Location: include/util/regexp/ctre/ Authors: Hana Dusikovaá Licnse: Apache 2.0 [include/util/regexp/ctre/LICENSE] ============================================================== Copyright F.A.Q. -------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Our product makes use of the NCBI source code, and we did changes and additions to that version of the NCBI code to better fit it to our needs. Can we copyright the code, and how? A. You can copyright only the *changes* or the *additions* you made to the NCBI source code. You should identify unambiguously those sections of the code that were modified, e.g. by commenting any changes you made in the code you distribute. Therefore, your license has to make clear to users that your product is a combination of code that is public domain within the U.S. (but may be subject to copyright by the U.S. in foreign countries) and code that has been created or modified by you. -------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Can we (re)license all or part of the NCBI source code? A. No, you cannot license or relicense the source code written by NCBI since you cannot claim any copyright in the software that was developed at NCBI as a 'government work' and consequently is in the public domain within the U.S. -------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What if these copyright guidelines are not clear enough or are not applicable to my particular case? A. Contact us. Send your questions to ''.